Goodness, can 2020 throw anymore challenges in our way? Well the Tropical system that seems to be approaching our general area is a good reminder that even though we are in the midst of dealing with a global pandemic, doing our best to educate our children, keeping our businesses running and maintaining our sanity (sort of) we are still in southwest Florida. While it is paradise it is also home to a host of risks from an insurance standpoint. Keeping the same line of thought....homeowners insurance.
Again this is hurricane season, take it upon yourself to be prepared to deal with any sort of emergency that may arise. I am personally a big proponent of having a well stocked pantry at all times. This has served my family well and may serve your for a lot of reasons including hurricane season, but also civil unrest, illness, job loss, unexpected visitors, a friend needs a hand up who knows.... Our pantry has served us in many ways many many times. Other supplies are just as important like shutters or boards for your windows (before a warning is issued...unless you like being frustrated and long lines), fasteners for shutters, flashlights, batteries, a good radio, and a waterproof pouch with your important documents like your homeowners insurance policy AND FLOOD policy. Yes I said flood policy. Keep in mind that "storm surge" is NOT a hurricane loss it is "flood" and will only be covered if you have flood insurance, even if someone said that you are not in a "flood zone" yes you are.... if you are in Florida you are in a flood zone. Sorry for the flood tangent but it is important. One of my favorite stores in the world is Sunshine Ace Hardware here locally. They are awesome. They were open RIGHT AFTER Irma ready to help the community rebuild and I am forever grateful. They publish a hurricane supply checklist and it is pretty good. It is on their Facebook page and I have shared it as well. Here are the links... They do a great job and are owned by a local family and the employees are top shelf and very helpful, what more can you want?
Following Irma there was a lot of stories that we heard about. The best piece of advice I can give is try and use some common sense and don't wait for someone else to give you instructions. If you feel unsafe and think you should evacuate.... than do so. DO IT EARLY. Don't wait too late to leave, if you think that you may want to evacuate make a plan on where you want to go and leave as early as possible, the longer that you wait the more problems you will encounter. We have all heard the stories of folks running out of gas on the road while in traffic etc, but it all begins with....when did you leave the house? Two days earlier and the whole situation is a lot safer and much more comfortable particularly if you have special needs, traveling with pets or are part of our senior population.If you elect to stay, remember you may be on your own...and it may be a while before you have things like power and water. If you use a generator, be familiar with how to use it SAFELY.
Regarding your homeowners insurance, now is the time to make sure that you have the coverage that you want. Speak with your insurance agent and discuss what your hurricane deductible is. Is your pool cage covered? What about your car? Do you carry comprehensive coverage that covers your car? We'd be happy to meet with you anytime to discuss these and many more possibilities that may arise, but the most important thing is to do this BEFORE THE STORM HAPPENS.
Anyway, I hope you all have a great day,
any questions or comments or would like to make an appointment